This is the Auto World iWHEELS Christine 1958 Plymouth Fury (After Fire) Thunderjet HO Slot Car
Silver Screen Machines
Now you can own and race your own famous big screen wheels with Auto World's Silver Screen Machines! With authentic detailing and road-gripping performance, these slot cars are sure to be a great addition to your collection.
The ThunderJet Ultra-G chassis is Auto World's adaptation of the classic "pancake" design, originally developed by Aurora in the early days of electric slot racing. Auto World expanded the design by adding a Neodymium magnet for better control. Still immensely popular today, entire slot racing events are created around this chassis. ThunderJets Ultra-G are retro slot racing at its best!
Thunderjet "T-Jet" Ultra-G Chassis
Release: Silver Screen Machines
Classic Pancake Motor
Neodymium Traction Magnet for Track Gripping Performance
Compatible with most HO scale tracks - AFX, Tomy, Auto World