Traxxas T-Maxx 2.5 & 3.3

Whether you prefer something that runs off a battery or real live fuel, you’ll love the Traxxas T-Maxx line. There’s more than enough here to keep you going for years no matter what your particular modeling interests might look like. Enough aftermarket components have been made by Traxxas for this line that you could continue to tinker with the same model for years to come. Chances are that you’d be able to seriously dominate many types of tracks with them too, which makes them a great option for hardcore racers.

T Maxx 3.3

Over time, Traxxas has been able to collect a lot of information about the various performance figures of their own vehicles. They’ve put this information to good use by taking it and redesigning countless vehicles. Modern Traxxas T-Maxx 3.3 models offer a 4WD powertrain and a TSM stability management system coupled with TQi telemetry and a number of other high-tech features that might make you feel like you’re driving a miniaturized computer as well as a truck.

In many ways, you actually are! These sophisticated pieces of equipment incorporate advanced computer technology that ensures a level of stability and drivability even when conditions start to suffer for whatever reason.

Traxxas T Maxx 2.5

You don’t want to count out the classic T Maxx 2.5 vehicle either, however, especially if you’re in the mood to drive something that features nitro power. A strong 2.4 GHz transmitter means that you’ll be able to stay in constant communication with your vehicle even if it happens to be on the other side of the track at any given time. Perhaps most importantly, these trucks are compatible with a selection of special fuels from Traxxas. consider 20 percent Nitro car and truck fuel, for instance.

This has the same name as the top fuel materials that real-world hot rods might run on and for a good reason. It’s not all that different from any other kind of nitro-based fuel, so you can expect some strong performance out of it.

Eventually, you might even want to start investing in a selection of replacement parts that can help you out in a pinch.

Traxxas T Maxx Parts

From something as simple as a set of body washers to an extremely complex part like a Bluetooth wireless module, Traxxas T Maxx cars have a wide-ranging catalog of parts that go with them. Whether you’re looking for spares to repair racing accidents or you want to be able to tinker with a vehicle until you can truly call it your own, there are plenty of options available on the market. You may want to start putting together quite a collection, which would ensure that you’d always have something on hand if a part failed on you or if you needed to do some kind of work under your model’s hood.

For more information about what kinds of vehicles and parts are currently being offered, make sure to contact RC Superstore online.