This is a one quart bottle of Dynamite Blue Thunder 20% Nitro Sport Fuel for R/C cars and trucks. Blue Thunder is still Americas #1 racing fuel and the RC fuel of choice for more race winners over the past decade than any other brand.
World-renowned engine expert Ron Paris formulated Blue Thunder to quickly bring your engine to operating temperature, allow correct tuning of the carb after just a few laps and maintain that level throughout even the longest mains.
Blue Thunder Sport Formula is ideal for those who are new to gas cars or for drivers that want maximum protection for their engines. It features a unique additive called ZX-7 that provides over-lean indication protection. When an engine is over-leaned, internal engine temperatures dramatically increase. At these critical temperatures, Blue Thunder Sport Formula actually changes from a lubricant to a combustible, giving an immediate indication to the driver that the mixture is too lean. On the track, if the engine is over-leaned, the driver will immediately notice that the car will hesitate during acceleration, indicating that it's time to pull in and richen the mixture. If the engine continues to run at these overly lean settings it will quit before damage to internal engine components occurs.